Extending the period of receiving requests for `Umrah visas
Summary: The period of receiving requests for `Umrah visas was extended to 15/9/1434 A.H.
Details: As a result of the coordination between the
Ministry of Hajj and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the period of receiving
requests for `Umrah visas was extended to 15/9/1434 A.H.
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“The Fiqh of priorities during Hajj”: A topic for the Grand Hajj Symposium
Summary: His Excellency the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, announced that "The Fiqh of priorities during Hajj" will be the topic of the Grand Hajj Symposium during its 38th session this year. The symposium, which is habitually established in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, will be held during the period from the 3rd till the 5th of next Dhul-Hijjah with the participation of a number of scholars and researchers from inside and outside the Kingdom.
Details: His
Excellency the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, announced that
"The Fiqh of priorities during Hajj" will be the topic of the
Grand Hajj Symposium during its 38th session this year. The symposium,
which is habitually established in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, will be held during
the period from the 3rd till the 5th of next Dhul-Hijjah
with the participation of a number of scholars and researchers from inside and
outside the Kingdom.
Excellency determined the principal objectives which will be included under the
topic of the symposium to inculcate and spread the Fiqh of priorities
among Muslims as a scientific and practical requirement, and assert its
application during the performance of Hajj and its rituals so that they can be performed
with ease and tranquility, in addition to clarifying its relationship during
Hajj to its purposes and explaining the relationship of the Fiqh of
priorities to acts of worship and the individual achieving good rewards, as
well as its relationship to protecting the society and preventing dangers from
afflicting it. The Fiqh of priorities also decreases the problems of
Hajj and pilgrims, especially the problem of crowdedness.
He also
stated that the Fiqh of priorities discussed in the Grand Hajj Symposium
will emphasize the authentic concept of religion and worship which considers
different conditions and cases without causing severity or any neglect of
duties, in addition to proving the greatness of the Islamic legislation and the
flexibility of its Fiqh, as it comprises effective principles and
procedures which guarantee the stability of purposes and principles and
consider different conditions and capabilities. The symposium also aims to
enrich Islamic Fiqh and its library with elite scientific researches on
this important topic, which have been carried out by a number of Islamic
asserted that the topic of the symposium this year coincided with the decrease
in the number of pilgrims and the aim to to give room for those who are performing
Hajj for the first time, because wisdom entails considering priorities to
achieve the objectives of Islamic Law by safeguarding one's/people's religion,
self, mind, honor and money to provide safety and tranquility for the pilgrims.
He also mentioned that the aspects of the symposium will fall under: "The Fiqh
of priorities, its meaning and different aspects", "The Fiqh
of priorities concerning the Hajj rituals", "The practical effects of
the Fiqh of priorities during Hajj" and "Bright practical
sides of the Fiqh of priorities concerning the performed rituals".
Excellency the minister of Hajj indicated that the Ministry tries through the
Grand Hajj Symposium to bring to light the cultural and civil role undertaken
by the Kingdom to serve Hajj and the pilgrims, to stress the cultural and civil
role of the sacred city and its citizens along the different ages and to
emphasize the most important leading achievements and projects and the
continuous advancements of the Two Holy Mosques in serving Muslims, especially
during the era of the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques King `Abdullah bin
`Abdul-`Aziz Al-Saud – may Allah protect him. By means of this symposium, the
Ministry also tries to inculcate the principle of calm intellectual dialogue concerning
the issues of the Islamic Nation during the season of Hajj, in which a large
number of pilgrims attend.
finally added that the Ministry, through the symposium, wishes to achieve
constructive scientific contact among scientific organizations and specialized
researchers from most of the countries all over the world, achieving more
integration and socialization among the sons of the Islamic Nation and setting
the basis of the united team work for the sons of the Islamic world in the
field of clarifying doubtful matters concerning the doctrine and the Nation, in
addition to identifying the achievements of the Ministry in serving Hajj and
the pilgrims as an effort to carry out the purposeful policy of the state to provide
the best services for pilgrims, Mu`tamirs and visitors.
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The Ministry of Hajj is studying the establishment of a city for pilgrims
Summary: His Excellency the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar Hajjar, announced that the Ministry of Hajj is carefully studying the establishment of a city for receiving and grouping pilgrims and Mu`tamirs to complete the set of developed services that the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah bin `Abdul-`Aziz ordered to be carried out in Makkah and the sacred sites. At the present time, these locations are undergoing great developmental work, including the projects of expanding the circumambulation path, the Holy Mosque of Makkah and the Mosque of the Prophet , in addition to other giant projects at the airports of entry in Jeddah and Madinah.
Details: His
Excellency the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, announced that
the Ministry of Hajj is carefully studying the establishment of a city for
receiving and grouping pilgrims and Mu`tamirs to complete the set of developed services
that the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah bin `Abdul-`Aziz
Al-Saud – may Allah protect him – ordered to be carried out in Makkah
Al-Mukarramah and the sacred sites. At the present time, these locations are undergoing
great developmental work, including the projects of expanding the
circumambulation path, the Holy Mosque of Makkah and the Mosque of the Prophet
(peace be upon him), in addition to other giant projects at the airports of
entry in Jeddah and Madinah.
Excellency also explained that the sum of 62 billion Riyals that His Royal
Highness – may Allah protect him – commanded to be devoted to providing and
promoting an advanced transportation web last Ramadan is considered – by the
virtue of Allah – a stepping stone during this blessed era; and that generously
spending money on everything that is related to the continuous advancement of
the services provided for the Guests of Allah is a top priority for the wise
leadership, may Allah grant it success.
Excellency the Minister of Hajj mentioned that one of the most important
objectives of the city for receiving and grouping pilgrims and Mu`tamirs is to
gather all the events and services offered for the Guests of Allah in one place
that can be easily reached, especially during the peak period of the seasons of
Hajj and `Umrah.
also clarified that the wheel of developmental studies in the Ministry of Hajj
is proceeding well and is an integral component of the viewpoint of the
princedom of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, represented by the Higher Organization for Promoting
Makkah Al-Mukarramah and the Sacred Sites; it is also compatible with the
strategy which the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques outlined for serving the
Guests of Allah throughout the next 25 years, in which all the participating bodies
will cooperate to achieve the expectations of the leadership by expending all
precious and valuable resources for the welfare of the Guests of Allah and the
visitors of the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
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Under Discussion: A dialogue with the Deputy Minister
Summary: Under Discussion: A dialogue with the Deputy Minister of Hajj for `Umrah Affairs
Details: Under
Discussion: A dialogue with `Isa ibn Muhammad Al-Rawwas, the Deputy Minister of
Hajj for `Umrah Affairs, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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Al-Faysal is informed of the project for the city to receive the pilgrims
Summary: Faysal is informed of the project for the city to receive and bid farewell to the Guests of Allah
Details: His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al-Faysal, the
Prince of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, entertained the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar
Hajjar, in his office in Jeddah. Dr. Hajjar informed His Highness of
the Ministry's preparations for the seasons of Hajj and `Umrah.
During the meeting, Dr. Hajjar outlined the
Ministry's initiative for establishing a city for receiving and bidding
farewell to the pilgrims inside Makkah Al-Mukarramah, which would include all
the Hajj groups and all the services needed by the Guests of Allah, and also
include residential units, offices for `Umrah companies, museums, exhibitions
and legacy markets, in addition to other services.
The Minister of Hajj also mentioned that a committee following several
different bodies had been formed to undertake an assessment of the requirements
of the city, while the Ministry works to determine a suitable location for the
project. He noted that this would be presented to His Highness, the Prince of
Makkah, for him to issue directions and for his approval after studying the recommendations.
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Al-Sudais: The suspended circumambulation path would be finished by mid-Ramadan
Summary: The General Chief of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madinah, Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sudais, asserted that the first phase of increasing the capacity of the path of circumambulation in the Holy Mosque of Makkah from 45 thousand to 105 thousand persons would be finished by mid-Ramadan.
Details: The General Chief of the Affairs of
the Two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madinah, Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sudais,
asserted that the first phase of increasing the capacity of the path of
circumambulation in the Holy Mosque of Makkah from 45 thousand to 105 thousand
persons, in addition to the suspended circumambulation path allocated for the
elderly, ill and handicapped people, would be finished by mid-Ramadan. He also
added that the suspended circumambulation bridge would be parallel to the
Mukabbiriyah (a roof-like structure for the muezzin) and the Abbasid porches,
forming a circle around the Ka`bah. He also added that the contractor
undertaking the implementation of the project asserted that the first phase
would be completed by mid-Ramadan.
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The Ministry will not allow any increase in the number of Mu`tamirs
Summary: The Ministry of Hajj and `Umrah asserted that it will not allow any increase in the number of Mu`tamirs, due to the extensions that are being made in the Holy Mosque in Makkah.
Details: The Ministry of Hajj and `Umrah
asserted that it will not allow any increase in the number of Mu`tamirs, due to
the extensions that are being made in the Holy Mosque in Makkah. Spokesman
Hatim Qadi, the Deputy Hajj Minister, mentioned that the Ministry has set rules
for `Umrah companies, because of the extensions, which state the any Mu`tamir
should not stay in Makkah and Madinah for more than 15 days, to prevent an
increase in the number of Mu`tamirs and the resulting crowdedness in the Holy
Mosque. He added that since the beginning of the season of `Umrah last Safar, 4
million and 200 thousand Mu`tamirs had arrived, 3 million and 900 thousand of
which had already left and 250 thousands still remain in Makkah and Madinah; he
noted that the Ministry tries to keep this number stable by controlling the
flow of Mu`tamirs into and out of Saudi Arabia.
He revealed that the number of
companies participating this season reached 47, and no violations have been
observed concerning their performances. He also added that the Ministry imposes
strict field censorship on the companies through follow-up committees, under the
direct supervision of Bandar Hajjar, the Minister of Hajj; he explained that
there are more than 300 follow-up teams, which perform daily field tours in the
residences of Mu`tamirs, twenty four hours per day, to receive any complaints
and observations. Qadi also noted that the companies do their best to avoid
committing violations because if they committed any considerable violation they
would be punished by being prevented from increasing the number of Mu`tamirs
they could have the next season.
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Expansion of the Holy Mosque of Makkah
Summary: His Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, asserted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia works hard to serve Islam, the Muslims and the Two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madinah with total sincerity and devotion. Carrying out this responsibility is the first priority of the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah bin `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Saud – may Allah protect him, as he has devoted all the possible financial and human potentials needed to achieve this purpose.
Details: His
Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, asserted that
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia works hard to serve Islam, the Muslims and the Two
Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madinah with total sincerity and devotion. Carrying
out this responsibility is the first priority of the Servant of the Two Holy
Mosques, King `Abdullah bin `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Saud – may Allah protect him, as he
has devoted all the possible financial and human potentials needed to achieve
this purpose.
In an
interview with His Eminence on channel one of Saudi television, he stated that
"the decision of decreasing domestic pilgrims by 50% and international
pilgrims by 20% is only interim and an exceptional situation, and cannot be viewed
in isolation, without considering the legal area of the sacred sites available
for performing these rituals. This is because there is an increasing number of
pilgrims and Mu`tamirs but only a limited area at the sacred sites and the Two
Holy Mosques, a limited time and still the need to fulfill a particular
objective, which is to provide the highest possible degree of services for
pilgrims from the moment of their arrival until their departure. To achieve
this objective, extensions should be made within the legal and Fiqhi
area which is specified for performing the rituals to guarantee the safety of
pilgrims. Thus, a number of expansionary projects have already started."
explained that the project of the current expansions of the Holy Mosque of
Makkah will add an area of 400,000 m² to the current area so as to be able to include
2 million and 200 thousand persons, noting that the area of the Holy Mosque of
Makkah is four times the area of Holy Makkah during the era of the righteous
Caliphs. As for the Masaa (the place where pilgrims go between Safa and
Marwah), it used to hold 44
thousand people per hour before the expansions, while after the expansion
project its capacity increased to 130 thousand people per hour, taking into account
all stories and also the rooftop. Moreover, the pebble-throwing bridge which
used to be only one storey at the time of its establishment is now composed of
six stories, and will be twelve stories by the end of the expansions, so as to
be able to hold 5 million pebble-throwers per day at the rate of 300 thousand
throwers per hour.
Eminence the Minister of Hajj also explained that the expansion of the Holy
Mosque in Madinah will enable the mosque to hold one million and 600 thousand additional
praying persons, to reach a capacity of more than two million praying persons,
noting that the allowance for the increase of pilgrims is related to previous
agreements which permit 1 for every 1000 or 1000 for every million, for every
country, of the total of its population, so increasing with the increase in the
number of the population of each country, referring to the fact that the number
of pilgrims, unlike that of Mu`tamirs, is controlled by certain ratios and
Muhammad Hajjar also said, "The expansions involve digging tunnels through
mountains to connect the Holy Mosque in Makkah to Mina and to the districts of
Makkah; there are 54 tunnels covering a length of 30 km and a width that ranges
between 11 to 15 m, in addition to tunnels specified for pedestrians which are provided
with all means of safety, decreasing the distance from the Holy mosque to Mina
or any district in Makkah so as to take only 10 to 15 minutes by foot. A
committee is also studying how to provide the site of `Arafah with permanent
tents, like that in the site of Mina."
Eminence explained that the circumambulation path takes 48 thousand persons per
hour before the expansion project, which will be finished, according to the
directives of the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques, in three years time, after
which it will be able to take 105 circumambulation persons per hour. He also explained that the capacity of the
circumambulation path will decrease to 22 thousand persons per hour while work
is being carried out on the project, noting that the contractor who is undertaking
the expansion project will try his best to let the number of circumambulating
persons reach 35 thousand per hour during next Ramadan, since the purpose of
the project is to increase the capacity and keep the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs
safe from the dangers of crowdedness. He also added that the contractor will
establish a bridge for the handicapped during circumambulation, which will take
8000 handicapped circumambulating persons.
His Eminence mentioned that one of the expansionary projects is that of general
transportation, which includes moving by train, metro and all other means of
transportation, and for which 62 billion riyals were devoted, in addition to
the project of the train of the Two Holy Mosques, which connects Madinah to
Makkah and then Jeddah, decreasing the time taken between Madinah and Makkah to
two hours, at a speed of 300 km per hour, and half an hour between Makkah and
Jeddah. He stated that the train of the sacred sites managed to do without 30
thousand vehicles which used to move through the sites, decreasing the ratio of
pollution by 86%.
added that the `Umrah visas granted to companies up until the first of Sha`ban,
1434, reached 4 million and 630 thousand visas, an increase of 124 thousand
visas over last year. Moreover, the number of people who have entered the
Kingdom to perform `Umrah since the beginning of Safar till the beginning of
the current Sha`ban reached 3 million and 960 Mu`tamirs, a difference of 317
Mu`tamirs from last year, explaining that rules were imposed so that the number
of people coming to perform `Umrah does not exceed 500 thousand per day, to
guarantee the continuity of the expansion project of the circumambulation path.
The companies will be provided with the requested visas on condition that the
tourism agency provides the Mu`tamir with a licensed residence, noting that
there is a commitment in the Mu`tamir's program stating that the visas should
be used within the specified period, given that this system is applied during
Sha`ban and Ramadan.
Eminence declared that there are 120 thousand rooms that have a license from
the agency of tourism and antiquities, with a capacity to take 480 thousand
Mu`tamirs, and that there is an electronic system as well as excellent
regulations for following the Mu`tamirs who lag in the kingdom after the
departure of their groups. This is bceause the number of Mu`tamirs in 1426 A.H.
was 2 million and 800 Mu`tamirs and the number of those who lagged behind was
540 thousands, while the number of Mu`tamirs last year was 5 and a half million
and the number of those who lagged behind reached 8000; thus the number of the
Mu`tamirs who lagged after the departure of their groups decreased due to the
regulations imposed by the Ministry of Hajj, since the ministry stated that it
had to approve of the operative plan of any company before the company could
abide by any commitments to entertain any Mu`tamirs.
Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar bin Muhammad Hajjar, asserted at the
end of the interview that the Ministry is the authority responsible for
documenting the contracts of residence and services for all international
pilgrims, explaining that there are six organizations responsible for
circumambulation, in addition to the civil organization for guides in Madinah
and the united agents office, since there is a field service under each
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The Minister of Hajj meets the ambassador of Singapore in the Kingdom
Summary: His Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, met His Eminence the ambassador of the Republic of Singapore appointed in the kingdom, Mr. Lawrence Anderson, at his office in Jeddah on Sunday 30/7/1434 A.H.
Details: His
Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, met His Eminence
the ambassador of the Republic of Singapore appointed in the kingdom, Mr.
Lawrence Anderson, at his office in Jeddah on Sunday 30/7/1434 A.H.
the meeting, all the issues related to the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs of Singapore
for the current year, 1434 A.H., were discussed.
honored ambassador appreciated the efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy
Mosques concerning all the projects, achievements and great expansions of the
Two Holy Mosques and sacred sites in Makkah and Madinah.
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The Minister of Hajj meets the head of Iran's Hajj and Visit Organization
Summary: His Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar bin Muhammad Hajjar, met His Eminence the head of Hajj and Visit Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ahmad Mousavi, and his delegation, at his office in Jeddah on Sunday 30/7/1434 A.H.
Details: His
Eminence the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar bin Muhammad Hajjar, met His Eminence
the head of Hajj and Visit Organization of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, Mr. Ahmad Mousavi, and his delegation, at his office in Jeddah on
Sunday 30/7/1434 A.H.
the meeting, the issues related to the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs of the Islamic
Republic of Iran for the current year, 1434 A.H., were discussed.
Eminence the head of Iran's Hajj and Visit Organization appreciated
the efforts and facilities that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
offers to the pilgrims, Mu`tamirs and visitors.
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Preparations for receiving `Umrah visa applications on the first of Safar
Summary: The General Administration of `Umrah Companies and Establishments Affairs and the General Administration for Mu`tamirs Services at the Ministry of Hajj maintain close communication with the `Umrah companies and establishments. This enables them to be prepared to receive the `Umrah visa applications after the issuance of the security permit for the majority of companies and establishments that were operating in 1432 A.H.
Details: The
General Administration of `Umrah Companies and Establishments Affairs and the
General Administration for Mu`tamirs Services at the Ministry of Hajj maintain
close communication with the `Umrah companies and establishments. This enables
them to be prepared to receive the `Umrah visa applications after the issuance
of the security permit for the majority of companies and establishments that
were operating in 1432 A.H.
readiness of its offices in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and
Jeddah Governorate with regard to
technical and administrative provisions and human resources.
of the services package, which includes housing in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and transportation.
of the operational plans.
of the external agents’ contracts after verifying IATA membership and paying
bank guarantees.
This year, the Ministry of Hajj requires external
agents to put a sticker on the Mu`tamir’s passport that includes the most important
elements of the services package so the Mu`tamir is made aware of the package
he will receive upon his arrival in the Kingdom.
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The Ministry of Hajj participated in a seminar organized by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute
Summary: The Ministry of Hajj participated in a seminar organized by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj Research on Monday, Muharram 4, 1434 A.H. The seminar was held in response to the directives of the Supreme Hajj Committee to apply organized grouping and moving of pilgrims during the Hajj trip, and study methods of crowd management during every stage of Hajj.
Details: The
Ministry of Hajj participated in a seminar organized by the Custodian of the
Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj Research on Monday, Muharram 4, 1434 A.H. The
seminar was held in response to the directives of the Supreme Hajj Committee to
apply organized grouping and moving of pilgrims during the Hajj trip, and study
methods of crowd management during every stage of Hajj.
Excellency Dr. Isa ibn Muhammad Rawas, deputy Hajj minister for `umrah affairs,
delivered the Ministry’s statement during the seminar, which was opened by His
Excellency Dr. Bakry `Assas, head of the university. The seminar was attended by His Excellency Dr.
Habib Zain Al-Abideen, deputy minister for municipal and rural affairs, the head
of the central administration of central projects; Colonel Muhammad Al-Bassam
from public security; and eng. Muhammad Tawfiq Madany from the Ministry of
Transportation. Also in attendance was His Excellency the dean of the institute,
Dr. Abdul Aziz Serogi, His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Idris, a teaching staff
member, and Dr. Fadel Uthman, a teaching staff member at Umm Al-Qura
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All praise be to Allah for your safety
Summary: Following a successful surgery, all praise be to Allah, at King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs in Riyadh, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz, received their Royal Highnesses the Princes and the Senior State Officials who came to greet him (may Allah support him) and gain reassurance of his health.
Details: Following
a successful surgery, all praise be to Allah, at King Abdul Aziz Medical City,
National Guard Health Affairs in Riyadh, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,
King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz, received their Royal Highnesses the Princes and
the Senior State Officials who came to greet him (may Allah support him) and gain
reassurance of his health. May Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) safeguard
him from all harm, grant him everlasting good health and well-being, and
preserve him for the service of Islam and Muslims.
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His Highness the Minister of Hajj in a comprehensive interview with Al-Riyadh Newspaper
Summary: In issue no. 16245 on Saturday, Safar 2, 1434 A.H., Al-Riyadh Newspaper published a comprehensive interview with His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, about the Sector of `Umrah in the Ministry and the beginning of `Umrah season in 1434 A.H.
Details: In issue no. 16245 on Saturday, Safar 2, 1434 A.H., Al-Riyadh
Newspaper published a comprehensive interview with His Highness the Minister of
Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, about the Sector of `Umrah in the
Ministry and the beginning of `Umrah season in 1434 A.H.
Dr. Bandar asserted that the Ministry of Hajj completed its
preparations for starting the new `Umrah season and receiving the Mu`tamirs and
visitors, who will come (by the Will of Allah) to the Holy Land this year, 1434
A.H. from different Arab and Islamic countries, starting from the first of
Safar. This is in response to a Royal Decree to this effect. The Ministry
coordinated with the concerned authorities with regard to the issuance of
security permits for the companies and establishments licensed to provide
services for the Mu`tamirs. It also verified the readiness of the companies and
establishments with regard to the provisions of the offices in Makkah
Al-Mukarramah, Jeddah Governorate, and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and the
readiness of the required human resources. This is in addition to forming and
approving the services packages at the e-track system of `Umrah, approving the
first part of the operational plans for this year, and documenting the
contracts of the external agencies. Contracts for a number of countries such as
Malaysia, Britain, Holland, Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, and Kuwait were
documented. The contracts for the rest of the countries with licensed companies
will follow in succession.
On Friday, the e-track system of `Umrah started to receive the visas,
which will be passed though the e-track system to be referred to the relevant authorities
to complete the normal cycle for the Mu`tamir to obtain the required visa.
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The first `Umrah visas in 1434 A.H.
Summary: In the early hours of Friday, the first of Safar, the e-track system started to receive the first `Umrah applications for 1434 A.H.
Details: In the
early hours of Friday, the first of Safar, the e-track system started to
receive the first `Umrah applications for 1434 A.H. Over 700 `Umrah visas were
received, as follows:
Indonesia: 280 visas
South Africa: 227 visas
Pakistan: 43 visas
The USA: 30 visas
Kenya: 29 visas
Turkey: 25 visas
Other countries: 50 visas.
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The Ministry of Hajj is currently preparing to conduct a number of scientific studies
Summary: The Ministry of Hajj is currently preparing to conduct a number of scientific studies on various topics related to the works of Hajj and the administrative structure of the Ministry, in cooperation with specialized consulting firms.
Details: The
Ministry of Hajj is currently preparing to conduct a number of scientific
studies on various topics related to the works of Hajj and the administrative
structure of the Ministry, in cooperation with specialized consulting firms.
These include:
A special study on
international pilgrims coming via tourist companies and agencies.
A study on developing the
administrative structure and performance in all of sectors of the Ministry.
A study on the qualitative
and quantitative classification and estimation of the price of services
provided to domestic pilgrims.
A study on the qualitative
and quantitative classification and estimation of the price of services
provided by National Tawafa Establishments.
Devising the strategic plan for the works of Hajj and `Umrah, as assigned
by the honorable Council of Ministers.
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Developing the technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Hajj
Summary: On Wednesday, Safar 12, His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar Muhammad Hajjar, held a meeting with His Highness the general manager of the Yasser program, eng. `Ali ibn Salih Al Soma` to discuss the general technical situation of the Ministry of Hajj. Also in attendance at the meeting were their Highnesses Hajj Deputy Ministers, Mr. Hatim ibn Hassan Qady, Dr. `Isa ibn Muhammad Rawwas, and Dr. Sahl ibn Abdullah Al-Sabban.
Details: On
Wednesday, Safar 12, His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar Muhammad
Hajjar, held a meeting with His Highness the general manager of the Yasser program,
eng. `Ali ibn Salih Al Soma` to discuss the general technical situation of the
Ministry of Hajj. Also in attendance at the meeting were their Highnesses Hajj
Deputy Ministers, Mr. Hatim ibn Hassan Qady, Dr. `Isa ibn Muhammad Rawwas, and Dr.
Sahl ibn Abdullah Al-Sabban.
His Excellency
eng. `Ali ibn Salih Al Soma` explained that the Ministry of Hajj is regarded as
one of the leading sectors in the switch to e-government transactions field. The
e-`Umrah system is considered to be the first application of its kind,
achieving a great leap forward in the field of Mu`tamir services.
Excellency praised the strategic plan of switching all Ministry services and
activities to e-government transactions, which was developed by the Ministry in
coordination with the Yasser program and financed by the switch to e-government
transactions program. It has resulted in many initiatives, for which 36 million
Riyals were appropriated to achieve the desired objectives. Among these
initiatives is the provision of infrastructure by offering services through the
e-service platform and improving the external networks, which was put out to a
public tender. The Ministry received pricing bids from companies participating
in the tender.
discussions also touched on the e-track system of international pilgrims and development
of the General Administration of Information Technology. It was agreed that the
Ministry of Hajj will make use of the training programs provided by the Yasser program,
which will be provided to Ministry employees.
The meeting was also attended by His Excellency Consultant Dr. Mazen
Tounsi, Consultant Dr. Muhammad Semsem, the General Manager of the Information
Technology Administration, Mr. Salah Basif, and the Portal Administrator, Mr.
Basel Zayla`i. After the meeting, eng. `Ali Al Soma`, accompanied by His
Excellency the Deputy Minister of Hajj for `Umrah Affairs, Dr. `Isa Rawwas,
made a field trip to the headquarters of the Hajj and `Umrah Information Center
in Al-Biotat, where they examined the Center’s equipment. His Excellency eng.
`Ali expressed admiration for the modern technologies he examined.
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The King announces the largest budget in the Kingdom’s history
Summary: The Council of Ministers approved the general budget of the state for the new fiscal year 1434/1435 A.H. during its special session held under the chairmanship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah ibn `Abdul Aziz Al Saud (may Allah safeguard him), on Saturday, Safar 16, 1434 A.H. corresponding to December 29, 2012 A.C. in the King’s palace in Riyadh.
Details: The
Council of Ministers approved the general budget of the state for the new
fiscal year 1434/1435 A.H. during its special session held under the
chairmanship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah ibn
`Abdul Aziz Al Saud (may Allah safeguard him), on Saturday, Safar 16, 1434 A.H.
corresponding to December 29, 2012 A.C. in the King’s palace in Riyadh.
budget is regarded as the largest budget in the Kingdom’s history in terms of
current absolute monetary values, with revenues of 239.1 trillion, expenses of
853 billion, and a surplus of 386 billion riyals.
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The Minister of Hajj meets the delegation of the Bangladesh Hajj Mission Office
Summary: His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar met the delegation of the Bangladesh Hajj Mission Office, headed by Muhammad Shahjahan Miah - the Minister of Religious Affairs in the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, at his office yesterday in Jeddah.
Details: His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar met the delegation of the Bangladesh Hajj Mission Office, headed by Muhammad Shahjahan Miah - the Minister of Religious Affairs in the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, at his office yesterday in Jeddah. During this meeting, both parties discussed the achievements and success of the Hajj season last year, 1433 A.H. The Minister of Hajj assured that this success was achieved thanks to Allah, then to the efforts, capabilities, and achievements of the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, including the expansion of the Two Holy Mosques and the Tawaf (circumambulation) area, implementation of Al-Mashaer Metro and the Two Holy Mosques train, and the unlimited support provided by the wise leadership for the sake of ensuring comfort and reassurance for the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs.
He explained to the delegation of the Bangladesh Hajj Mission the importance of the programs developed by the Ministry, which include enlightening the pilgrims before their arrival at the Holy Land, their complying with the schedule of grouping and moving pilgrims to Jamarat Bridge, and concluding air transportation and housing contracts early. The Minister of Religious Affairs in the Government of Bangladesh praised the projects and achievements provided by the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques at the Sacred Sites, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah which helped the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs to perform their rituals in a state of spirituality and tranquility. His Highness showed compliance with the schedule developed by the Ministry, as it includes schedules that facilitated the pilgrims' performance of their rituals and their transportation at the Sacred Sites.
Issues pertaining to organizing the affairs of Bengal pilgrims coming from Bangladesh to perform Hajj rituals were discussed during the meeting. These issues included their housing and transportation, in addition to educational issues with regard to rituals and procedures. Also, the discussions covered the services provided by the National Tawafa Establishments, United Agents Office, and the General Syndicate of Vehicles, besides the cooperative efforts in providing services to Mu`tamirs of Bangladesh.
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The Deputy Minister of Hajj meets the delegation of the Hajj Mission of Kazakhstan
Summary: His Excellency, the Deputy Minister of Hajj, Mr. Hatem ibn Hasan Qadi met the delegation of the Hajj Mission of Kazakhstan, headed by Mr. Arjan Mia Mirow, in the Ministry branch in Makkah Al-Mukarramah on Monday, 22/4/1434 A.H., corresponding to 4/3/2013 A.C., at 1:00 P.M.
Details: His Excellency, the Deputy Minister of Hajj, Mr. Hatem ibn Hasan Qadi met the delegation of the Hajj Mission of Kazakhstan, headed by Mr. Arjan Mia Mirow, in the Ministry branch in Makkah Al-Mukarramah on Monday, 22/4/1434 A.H., corresponding to 4/3/2013 A.C., at 1:00 P.M.
The Deputy Minister of Hajj asserted that this meeting came in accordance with the continuous honorable directives to make thorough preparations for receiving the pilgrims’ groups and visitors of the Prophet’s Mosque in the Hajj season of 1434 A.H. as well as providing them with the best services and enabling them to perform their rituals easily.
The Ministry of Hajj, under direct supervision and follow-up of His Highness, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hamzah Hajjar, the Minister of Hajj, keeps intensifying its efforts and preparations for the Hajj season of 1434 A.H.
His Excellency asserted the importance of complying strictly with the programs prepared by the Ministry, including enlightening the pilgrims before their arrival at the Holy Land according to the issued instructions, and complying with the schedules of grouping and moving the pilgrims to the Jamart area. In addition, contracts of housing pilgrims in the licensed accommodations should be authenticated by the relevant authorities before the Guests of Allah arrive at the Holy Land.
During this meeting, the performance of the Mission in the previous season of 1433 A.H. was discussed, in addition to issues pertaining to the number of pilgrims and the services to be provided for them by the National Tawafa Establishments (Mutawwifs, pilgrims’ guides, agents, and Zamazemah), General Syndicate of Vehicles, and everything relevant to the operational plan of the Ministry.
This is in addition to an emphasis on enlightening the pilgrims about the issues pertaining to health, environment, and public safety, and acquainting them with the agreement, which will be signed and kept with them, and the items and clauses included in it as well as informing them about the new circulars that were released during this year.
The head of the delegation praised the continuous work and achievements of the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince. These achievements include the expansion of the Holy Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque and the Tawaf area, and the implementation of Al-Mashaer Metro and the Two Holy Mosques Train to enable the pilgrims and the visitors of the Prophet’s Mosque to perform all their rituals with ease and tranquility until their return to their countries – by the Will of Allah – safe and unharmed.
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The Minister of Hajj: Number of `Umrah visas amounted to one million, six hundred thousand
Summary: His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, stated that the Ministry has issued one million, six hundred thousand `Umrah visas since the beginning of `Umrah season last Safar, 1434 A.H., with a monthly arrival rate of 400,000 Mu`tamirs.
Details: His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, stated that the Ministry has issued one million, six hundred thousand `Umrah visas since the beginning of `Umrah season last Safar, 1434 A.H., with a monthly arrival rate of 400,000 Mu`tamirs. He indicated that the number of Mu`tamirs next Ramadan will reach record rates in comparison with last year, with the number of Mu`tamirs approaching one million, taking into consideration that the number will double to six millions at the end of the season.
In his statement today, His Highness hinted at a project to widen the Tawaf area to be large enough to accommodate the numbers of Mu`tamirs in the current season. He also said that all the human resources from the relevant Ministries and authorities are completely prepared in response to the sound directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King `Abdullah ibn `Abdul Aziz Al Saud, His Highness the Crown Prince, and His Highness the second Deputy (may Allah safeguard them) to participate in supporting the services provided to the groups of Mu`tamirs. They started to arrive successively at Makkah Al-Mukarramah to perform the rituals of `Umrah and to visit the Prophet’s Mosque. The numbers of Mu`tamirs are expected to increase to more than half a million this year, in comparison with last year, as the normal increase witnessed by the Kingdom every year ranges from 10% to 20%.
The Minister of Hajj stated that the program organized by the Ministry for meeting the representatives of Hajj mission offices of more than 70 countries around the world came in response to honorable directives to the governmental bodies to be prepared early for Hajj season in this year 1434 A.H. This program will continue for three months in a scheduled way to discuss the arrangements for Hajj to provide a suitable environment, enabling the pilgrims to perform their Hajj rituals easily.
He explained that these meetings, which the Ministry is keen to hold annually and well in advance of Hajj season, are based on an integrated plan to coordinate with the representatives of Hajj Mission Offices to inform them about organizing, housing, and transporting their pilgrims, in addition to educating them with regard to rituals and procedures. In addition, there is sufficient observation of the services provided for them by the different authorities and sectors of Hajj. Due care should be given to enlightening pilgrims before their arrival at the Holy Land, grouping and moving pilgrims to the Jamarat Bridge, and concluding the contracts of air transportation and housing early, before the advent of Ramadan.
His Highness the Minister of Hajj said: “All praise is due to Allah, Who granted us a leadership that regards serving the Guests of Allah as an objective and aim, and dedicates all of the capabilities for this sake. We ask Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) to keep this country safe and secure perpetually and to safeguard its leaders and rulers; indeed He is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Responding.”
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Meetings via closed-circuit television
Summary: His Highness the Minister of Hajj held a meeting with leading Ministry officials via closed-circuit television. Participants included Deputy Ministers and General Managers from Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and Jeddah.
His Highness the Minister of Hajj held a meeting with leading Ministry officials via closed-circuit television. Participants included Deputy Ministers and General Managers from Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and Jeddah.
During this meeting, one of the specialized consulting firms presented a method for improving the performance of various Ministry sectors, including those concerned with Hajj and `Umrah affairs, administrative and financial affairs, information technology, training and development, and legal affairs. The closed-circuit television proved to be highly effective in achieving its objective of connecting the officials and His Highness the Minister with each other from their respective offices. This saved time and effort, and achieved speedy and continuous communication. The use of closed-circuit television represents a great turnaround that His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, seeks to achieve throughout the Ministry.
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`Umrah season will start at the scheduled time
Summary: The Ministry of Hajj has made all the necessary preparations for receiving `Umrah visas at the scheduled time, which is on the first of Safar in every Hijri year.
Details: The Ministry of Hajj has made all the necessary preparations for receiving `Umrah visas at the scheduled time, which is on the first of Safar in every Hijri year. The Ministry has also called upon all the operative `Umrah companies and establishments in 1434 A.H. to be completely prepared and to make all the necessary preparations for starting the applications of `Umrah visas.
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National Tawafa Establishments prepare to apply e-track system to Hajj
Summary: The coordinating body of National Tawafa Establishments will organize an evening workshop on Tuesday, Muharram 6, to discuss the tasks entrusted to the establishments in the e-track project for Hajj. The chairmen of these establishments, some board members, and information technology officials will participate in the workshop, which will be sponsored by His Excellency Deputy Hajj Minister for `Umrah Affairs, Dr. `Isa ibn Muhammad Rawas.
Details: The coordinating body of National Tawafa Establishments will organize an evening workshop on Tuesday, Muharram 6, to discuss the tasks entrusted to the establishments in the e-track project for Hajj. The chairmen of these establishments, some board members, and information technology officials will participate in the workshop, which will be sponsored by His Excellency Deputy Hajj Minister for `Umrah Affairs, Dr. `Isa ibn Muhammad Rawas.
The first meeting for the project supervising committee was held, with the participation of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. During this meeting, a preparatory project implementation plan was submitted. Also, members were provided with copies to examine, to enable them to offer feedback in order to expedite the implementation process.
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Conducting biometric registration for applicants of entry visas to the Kingdom
Summary: A meeting of the honorable Council of Ministers, held at noon on Monday, Muharram 5, 1434 A.H., gave approval for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out the necessary procedures to obtain the biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints and facial images) of all applicants of entry visas to the Kingdom, including pilgrims and Mu`tamirs.
Details: A meeting of the honorable Council of Ministers, held at noon on Monday, Muharram 5, 1434 A.H., gave approval for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out the necessary procedures to obtain the biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints and facial images) of all applicants of entry visas to the Kingdom, including pilgrims and Mu`tamirs. This will be implemented through specialized offices authorized by the embassies of the Kingdom abroad. This meeting was headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman ibn Abdul Aziz, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defense.
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Assessing the works of Hajj season, 1434 A.H.
Summary: His Highness the Minister of Hajj will hold a meeting with the leading officials of the Ministry of Hajj on Tuesday, Muharram 6, 1434 A.H. to discuss the extent of success of the application of the operational plans, which were approved for the three branches of the Ministry and other sectors.
His Highness the Minister of Hajj will hold a meeting with the leading officials of the Ministry of Hajj on Tuesday, Muharram 6, 1434 A.H. to discuss the extent of success of the application of the operational plans, which were approved for the three branches of the Ministry and other sectors. In addition, they will discuss the factors hindering the application of these plans, and ways of avoiding such hindrances next season (if Allah wills).
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The King’s recovery, may Allah grant him good health and well-being
Summary: The surgery undergone by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz (may Allah safeguard him) to tighten a loose ligament at the top of his back, was successful. His Royal Highness Prince Salman ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defense were reassured about his health during a visit to King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs in Riyadh.
Details: The surgery undergone by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz (may Allah safeguard him) to tighten a loose ligament at the top of his back, was successful. His Royal Highness Prince Salman ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defense were reassured about his health during a visit to King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs in Riyadh. Their Royal Highnesses the Princes, the Honorable Ministers, and the senior civilian and military officials were also reassured about his health (may Allah safeguard him).
In interviews conducted by Al-Riyadh Newspaper, popular and official statements expressed happiness for the success of the King’s surgery, beseeching Allah (Glorified be He) to protect him, bestow bounties on him, grant him good health and well-being, safeguard him from every evil, and grant him a speedy recovery. This is due to the fact that all the people love him unanimously and feel his faithful paternity, realizing what he (may Allah safeguard him) represents to his nation and people, whom he has led to goodness and righteousness.
May Allah protect the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques from every evil and grant him good health and well-being.
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Meetings of the e-track system committee for international pilgrims
Summary: The committee supervising the e-track system project for international pilgrims is headed by the Ministry of Hajj and has been formed by virtue of decision no. 386 of the honorable Council of Ministers, dated 22/11/1433 A.H. with the participation of representatives from the following bodies:
Details: The committee supervising the e-track system project for international pilgrims is headed by the Ministry of Hajj and has been formed by virtue of decision no. 386 of the honorable Council of Ministers, dated 22/11/1433 A.H. with the participation of representatives from the following bodies:
1. The Ministry of Interior (National Information Center, and the Secretariat of Hajj Supreme Committee)
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
3. The Ministry of Finance
4. The Ministry of Health
5. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (e-government transactions program [Yasser])
The committee will hold its first meeting at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, 27/12/1433 A.H. (based on the Umm Al-Qura calendar) in the 8th floor meeting room in the Ministry building located in the Shisha District of Makkah. The committee will undertake the following tasks:
1. Supervising the preparation of the technical document of each authority relevant to the e-track system project for international pilgrims.
2. Making use of the programs and experiences of the governmental agencies pertaining to the e-transactions.
3. Seeking the help of consulting firms to prepare the terms and conditions document for the e-track system for international pilgrims within a period not exceeding six months from the date of authorizing its implementation and putting it out to public tender in a manner that achieves the required integrity.
Studying and estimating the financial costs of this project.
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Appointing Prince Muhammad ibn Naif as the Minister of Interior
Summary: On Monday, Dhul-Hijjah 20, 1433 A.H. corresponding to November 5, 2012 A.C., a Royal Decree was issued releasing Prince Ahmad ibn Abdul Aziz from his post as Minister of Interior, at his request, and appointing Prince Muhammad ibn Naif in his place.
Details: On Monday, Dhul-Hijjah 20, 1433 A.H. corresponding to November 5, 2012 A.C., a Royal Decree was issued releasing Prince Ahmad ibn Abdul Aziz from his post as Minister of Interior, at his request, and appointing Prince Muhammad ibn Naif in his place.
The following is the text of the Royal Decree no. A/299.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Date: 20/12/1433 A.H.
With the help of Allah, and after reviewing the 57th article of the Basic Law issued by the Royal Decree no. A/90, dated 27/8/1412 A.H., the eighth article of the system of the Council of Ministers issued by Royal Decree no. A/13, dated 3/3/1414 A.H., and the Royal Decree no. A/140, dated 28/7/1433 A.H., according to the written request that was referred to us on 20/12/1433 A.H. by His Highness the Minister of Interior, in which he asked to be released from his post, I, Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, give the following orders:
First: Releasing His Royal Highness Prince Ahmad ibn Abdul Aziz, the Minister of Interior, from his post according to his request.
Second: Appointing His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad ibn Nayif ibn Abdul Aziz as the new Minister of Interior.
Third: This decree is to be delivered to the relevant authorities to be approved and implemented.
Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud
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The Minister of Hajj meets the delegation of the Palestinian Hajj Mission
Summary: His Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, met the delegation of the Palestinian Hajj Mission, headed by His Highness Mr. Mahmoud Sedqi Al-Habbash, the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs at Dr. Bandar’s office in Jeddah today, Saturday, 11/5/1434 A.H.
Details: His
Highness the Minister of Hajj, Dr. Bandar ibn Muhammad Hajjar, met the
delegation of the Palestinian Hajj Mission, headed by His Highness Mr. Mahmoud
Sedqi Al-Habbash, the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs at Dr.
Bandar’s office in Jeddah today, Saturday, 11/5/1434 A.H.
At the
beginning of the meeting, His Highness the Minister of Hajj congratulated all on
the remarkable success of Hajj last year. He indicated that this success was
achieved thanks firstly to Allah, and secondly to the efforts, capabilities,
and achievements of the wise government in response to direct instructions from
the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince. These
achievements include expanding the Two Holy Mosques, developing the Sacred
Sites, and the unlimited support provided by the Government for the sake of ensuring
comfort and reassurance for the pilgrims and Mu`tamirs. He assured the delegation
of the Palestinian Hajj Mission of the care attached to the programs developed
by the Ministry of Hajj. They include enlightening the pilgrims before their
arrival at the Holy Land, complying with the schedule of grouping and moving
pilgrims to Jamarat Bridge, and the timely concluding of air transportation and
housing contracts.
this meeting, issues pertaining to the organization of the affairs of the
Palestinian pilgrims coming from Palestine to perform Hajj rituals were
discussed. These issues included their housing and transportation, in addition
to educational issues with regard to rituals and procedures. The discussions also
covered the services provided by the National Tawafa Establishments, United
Agents Office, and the General Syndicate of Vehicles, in addition to the
cooperative efforts in providing Mu`tamirs’ services in Palestine.
His Highness the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs praised the
successive improvements and achievements provided by the Government of the
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince (may Allah safeguard
them both) in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and at the Sacred
Sites. These achievements include the expansion of the Holy Mosque, the Tawaf
area, and the Prophet’s Mosque, and the implementation of Al-Masha`er Metro and
the Two Holy Mosques Train to enable pilgrims and visitors to the Prophet’s
Mosque to perform their rituals with ease and tranquility. He also praised the
mutual cooperation between the Ministry, its branches, the bodies under its
supervision, and the delegation of the Palestinian Hajj Mission. It is worth
mentioning that 6,600 Palestinian pilgrims come from Palestine every year.
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