Staying Overnight in Mina

Then he returns to
Mina and remains there for the days of
Tashriq and their nights.

And he stones the three
Jamarat with seven small stones in each of those days, after noon, as has preceeded concerning the stoning on the Day of Sacrifice.

He begins with the first Jamrah, which is the nearest to Masjid - al-Khaif, and after stoning it he moves onward and stands facing the
Qiblah for a long while making
du'a while raising his hands. [100]

Then he comes to the second Jamarah and stones it in the same way, then he moves to the left and stands for a long while facing the Qiblah making du'a while raising his hands. [101]

Then he comes to the third Jamarah and it is
Jamrat al-Aqabah - and he stones it in the same way - standing so that
Ka'bah is to his left and Mina to his right and does not stand there (making du'a) afterwards. [102]

Then on the second day he repeats this stoning and on the third day.

An if he leaves after stoning on the second day not remaining for the third day's stoning, then that is permissible as Allah says: (Celebrate the praises of Allah during the Appointed Days, but if anyone hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if anyone stays on, these is no blame on him if his aim is to do right,) However remaining for the third day's stoning is better as it is the
Sunnah. [103]

And the Sunnah is to do the previous actions of Hajj in order: the stoning, then slaughter, then shaving the head, then
Tawaf of
Ifadah, the
Sa'i for the one doing
Hajj at-Tamattu'; however if he brings something forward in the order or delays something in the order (doing things out of order) then that is permissible as the Prophet said: �There is no harm, there is no harm.�

And regarding stoning, the following is allowed to those who have a valid excuse:
(a) The permission not to have to spend the night in Mina according to the
hadith of Ibn �Umar: �Al �Abbas sought permission of the prophet of Allah to spend the night of Mina in
Mecca as he was responsible for supplying
Zamzam water there, so he gave him the permission.� [104]
(b) To combine two days' stoning in one day, according to the hadith of �Asim ibn �Adiyy who said: �The prophet of Allah made concession for the camel drivers in Bairutah that they could stone on the Day of Sacrifice, the combine two days' stoning after that - performing it in one of the two days.� [105]
(c) To perform the stoning at night as the Prophet said: The shepherd may stone at night, then look after his flock in the daytime. [106]

And it is lawful for him to visit the Ka'bah and make Tawaf during each of the nights of Mina as the Prophet did so. [107]

And the pilgrim during the Days of Mina must take care to pray the five daily prayers with the congregation - and it is best to pray the Masjid of Khaif if he is able to, as the Prophet said: Seventy Prophets have prayed in the Masjid of Khaif. [108]

So after completing the stoning on the second day or third day of the days of Tashriq - then he has completed the rites of Hajj and therefore returns to Mecca - and remains there for as long as Allah has written for him to remain - and he should take care to perform the prayer with the congregation - especially in the
Masjid-ul-Haram, and a single prayer in the Masjid-ul-Haram is better than a hundred thousand prayers in other mosques. [109]

And he should perform much of prayer and Tawaf at any time he pleases of the day or night as the Prophet said about the two corners - the Black Stone and Yemeni corner: �Touching them takes away sins, and he who performs Tawaf does not raise or lower his foot (while walking) except that Allah writes it for him as a good deed, and wipes off bad deed for him, and writes for him an extra rank and whoever does it even times round [check Sharh of at-Tirmidhi] it is as if he had freed a slave.� [110] And the Prophet said: ��O tribe of �Abd Manaf! Do not prevent anyone from making Tawaf of this house or from prayer at any hour of the day or night he pleases.�" [111]