The Miqats

miqats (places for assuming
ihram) are five: Dhul Hulaifah, Al-Juhfah, Qarn-ul manazil, Yalamlam and Dhatu `Irq. They are for those who live there and those who pass by them intending Hajj or
�Umrah. And he whose house is nearer than them to
Mecca then he makes Ihram from his house, the people of Mecca making Ihram from Mecca. DHUL HULAIFAH is the place for the people of
Medina and is a village six or seven miles away - and it is the furthest miqat from Mecca - being ten riding stations away - or less depending on the route, there being many routes from there to Mecca as Ibn Taimiyyah points out. And it is called ((wadi ul `Aqiq,)) and its masjid is called ((Masjid-ush-shajarah)) (mosque of the Tree), and there is spring there called `the spring of `Ali' by the ignorant masses - believing that `Ali : killed a jinn there - and that is a lie. And AL-JUHFAH is a village between Medina and Mecca - about three travel stages away. It is the miqat for the people of Medina if they come by this route. Ibn Taimiyyah said: �It is the miqat for those who make Hajj from the direction of the west, like the people of Shaam (Greater Syria) and Egypt and the rest of the West. And it is today ruined and deserted, therefore the people now go into Ihram before it in the place called �Raabigh�. And Qarn UL MANAZIL - which is also called �Qarn-uth-Tha'alib� is near Mecca - being a day and night's journey away - and is the miqat for the people of Najd. And YALAMLAM is a place two nights distant from Mecca, thirty miles away and is the miqat for the people of Yemen. And DHAATU TRQ is a place out in the desert, marking the border between Najd and Tihamah, being forty-two miles from Mecca. It is the miqat for the people of Iraq.