Sa'i Between Safa
and Marwah

The he goes off for
sa'i between
Marwah (two small hills). And when
he reaches the foot of Safa he reads Allah's saying: Innas-safa wal marwata
min sha'a'irillahi faman hajjal baita �awi`tamara fala janaha �alaihi an yattawwafa
bihima wa man tatawwa'a khiran fa'innallaha shakirun �alimun
Behold! Safa and Marwah are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who
visit the House in the Season or at other times should compass them round,
it is no sin in them, and if any one obeys his own impulse to good, be sure
that Allah is He Who recognizes and knows.) and says: Nabda'u bima bada'allahu
bihi (We begin with what Allah began with.
[Noble Quran 2:158]

Then he begins with as-Safa - climbing upon it until he can see the

Then he faces the Ka'bah - and makes tawhid of Allah and
saying: [54] Allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar - laa illaha illallahu
wahdahu laa sharikalahu - lahul mul ku wa lahul hamdu - yuhiu wa yumitu wa
huwa �ala kulli shai'in qadeer - laa ilaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu
- anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara � abdahu wa hazamal ahzaba wahdahu Saying that
three times and making
du'a after each time.

Then he descends for sa'i between Safa and Marwah, as the prophet of Allah
said : Make sa'i as Allah has prescribed sa'i for you. [56]

So he walks till he reaches the green sign-post - on the right and left -
then runs quickly till he reaches the next sign-post. And this place was in
the time of the Prophet a dried river bed covered with small stones, and the
Prophet said: [57] (The river bed is not crossed except with vigour.) Then
he walks up to Marwah and ascends it and does upon it as he did upon as-Safa
- facing the
Qiblah, saying takbir and
tahlil and making du'a [34] and that
forms one complete circuit.

Then he returns till he ascends as-Safa - walking in the place for walking,
and running in the place for running - and that is a second circuit.

Then he returns to Marwah - and so on till he completes seven circuits finishing
upon Marwah.

And it is permissible for him to go between Safa and Marwah While riding.
However the Prophet preferred to walk. [59]

And if he makes du'a in sa'i, saying : Rabbighfir warham innaka antal a'azzul
akram (O lord forgive and have mercy, verily You are the Most Mighty, Most
Noble) then there is no harm as it is authentically reported from a group
of the Salaf. [60]

Then when he finishes from the seventh circuit upon al-Marwah he shortens
the hair of his head [61] thus ending the
- and everything that became forbidden to him upon entering
now becomes permissible again - and he remains in the state of hill (being
out of ihram) until
Yawm at-Tarwiyah

And he who made ihram not intending to make �Umrah before the Hajj - and not
having brought the hady (sacrificial animal) from outside sacred precincts
then should also leave the state of ihram in obedience to the Prophet's order
and in avoidance of his anger. Those, however, who have bought the sacrificial
animal with them remain in ihram and do not leave that state until after the
stoning on the Day of Sacrifice (Yawm an-Nahr) (10th Dhul-Hijjah).