The Sacrifice

Then he comes to the place of sacrifice in
and sacrifices his animal - and that is the

However, it is permissible for him to slaughter in any other part of Mina
Mecca as the Prophet said: I have slaughtered
here and all of Mina is a place for slaughtering, and all of the mountain
pass approaches, so slaughter on your place of stopping. [77]

And the Sunnah is to do the dhabh (slaughter by a horizontal cut through the
throat) or
Nahr (slaughter by a vertical
movement of the spear to the lower part of the throat) with own hand if possible,
and if not, then to depute someone else to do it.

And he should make the animal face the
when slaughtering [78], making it lie down on its left side and putting his
right foot upon its right side. [79]

As for the camel then he should slaughter it by means of Nahr.. while it is
standing having its left leg tied, standing on its others [80] with its face
towards the Qiblah. [81]

And he says when slaughtering:
Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar Al-Lahumma
Inna Hadha Minka Wa Laka [82]
Al Lahumma Taqabbal Minni
[83] (In the name of Allah and Allah is greater. O Allah this is from You
and for You. O Allah accept it from me.)

And the time for slaughter is the four days of
� Yawm an-Nahr, and that is called �Yawm al-Hajj al-Akbar' (Day of the greatest
Hajj) [84] and the three days of
as the Prophet said: �All the days of Tashriq are for sacrifice. [85]

And he may eat from the meat of his sacrificial animal and take some back
with him to his land as the Prophet did.

And he should give some it to feed the poor and the needy as Allah says: [86]
The sacrificial camels We have made for you as among the Symbols from
Allah: in them is (much) good for you: then pronounce the name of Allah
over them as they line up (for sacrifice): when they are down on their side
(after slaughter), eat ye thereof, and feed such as (beg not you) live in
contentment and such as beg with due humility.
[Noble Quran 22:36]

And seven people may share in one camel or cow.

And he who cannot afford a sacrificial animal should fast three days in Hajj
and seven when he returns to his family.

And he may fast the three days of Tashriq according to the
of �Aa'ishah and Ibn �Umar - may Allah be pleased with them - who said: �No
permission was given for us to fast the days of Tashriq except for those who
could not afford a sacrificial animal. [87]

Then he shaves all of his hair off or shortens it. - and the first is better
as the Prophet said: �O Allah have mercy on those who save their heads. They
(the people) said �And those who shorten their O prophet of Allah.' He said:
O Allah have mercy on those who save their heads. They said: �And those who
shorten their hair O prophet of Allah' He added on the fourth time: And those
who shorten their hair� [88]

And the Sunnah is for the barber to begin with the right side of the head
as occurs in the hadith of Anas. [89]

And shaving the hair is just the for men and not for the women - they have
to shorten only as the Prophet said: �There is no shaving of the hair for
women, verily upon women is shortening of the hair. [90].� So she should together
her hair and shorten it by the length of a finger-joint. [91]

And it is Sunnah for the
Imam to give a
khutbah on the Day of Sacrifice in Mina
[92] between the
Jamarat [93] in the
forenoon [94] to teach the people to rites of Hajj. [95]
Tawaf ul Ifadah

The he goes off that day to the House and makes
- seven times around - as has preceeded in the Tawaf of arrival - except that
he does not wear
ihram under his right
shoulder - nor does he perform
ramal in
this Tawaf.

And it is from the Sunnah to pray two
behind the Station of Ibrahim - as Az-Zuhri [96] said, and Ibn �Umar did so
[97], and said: �For every seven times around there are two rak'ahs.� [98]

Then he walks and runs between
Safa and
Marwah as before - except for one doing
Hajj of
Qiran or
- the first
sa'i being enough for them.

And after this tawaf everything again becomes lawful for him that became unlawful
due to ihram - even the woman (sexual intercourse).

And he prays
Dhuhr at Mecca, and Ibn �Umar
says: At Mina. [99]

And he comes to
Zamzam and drinks from