Talbiyah and Raising the Voice

Then he said he should stand [16] facing the
Qiblah, and say
talbiyah for `Umrah or Hajj as has preceded, and say:
allahumma hadhihi hajjah, lariya'a fiha wa la sum'ah (O Allah this is a Hajj, there being no ostentation in it or hypocrisy). [17]

And he should say the talbiyah of the Prophet: (i)
labbaikallahumma labbaika labbaika laa shareeka laka labbaika-innal hamda wan na'mata laka wal mulka-la shareeka laka (Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for You, here I am, Verily all praise for You, and every bounty is from You, and all dominion is Yours - You have no partner.)(ii) And he also said:
labbaika ilahal haqq (Here I am O God of Truth.)

And it is better to stick to the talbiyah of the Prophet, even though it is permissible to increase upon it - as the Prophet approved of those who did so, saying: �labbaika dhal ma'arij, labbaika dhal fawadil�. (of the Ways of Ascent, Here I am Owner of Excellence.) And Ibn `Umar used to also say: �labbaika wa sa'daika wal khairu biyadaika war-raghabaa'u ilaika wal `amalu� (Here I am and blessed by You, and all good is in Your Hands, and desire and action are directed towards You.) [18]

And the one saying the talbiyah is ORDERED to raise his voice with it, as the Prophet said: �Jibril came to me and ordered me to ordered my companions and those with me to raise their voices with talbiyah.� [19] and he said: �the best Hajj is shouting out and spilling blood. [20]Therefore the companions of the Prophet when they entered into ihram, by the time they reached `ar-Rauhaa' their voices had tired out. [21]And the Prophet said: �It is as if I am looking at Musa, upon whom be peace, descending from the mountain pass raising his voice with talbiyah�� [22]

And women, as regards the talbiyah, are like men - as the two preceding
hadith are general - so they should raise their voices as long as there is no fear of
fitnah. And `Aa'ishah used to raise her voice until the men could hear her. Abu `Atiyyah said: �I heard `Aishah saying: Verily I know how was the talbiyah of the prophet of Allah, then I heard her after that saying: Labbaikallalumma labbaika�� [23] And Qasim ibn Muhammad said: Mu'awiyyah went out at night and heard the voice of someone making talbiyah, so he said: `Who is that?� It was said: �`Aa'ishah, Mother of the Believers, making `Umrah from at-Tan'im.� So that was mentioned to `Aishah so she said: �If he had asked me I would have told him.� [24]

And he continually repeats the talbiyah as it is �from the signs of Hajj� [25] and because of the Prophet's saying: There is no one who makes talbiyah except that whatever is on his right and left - trees and stones also make talbiyah until the earth resounds from here and here - meaning - on his right and left.� [26]Especially whenever he ascends a high place or descends a valley - according to the hadith which has preceded: �It is as if I am looking at Musa - upon whom be peace - coming down from the mountain pass�.loudly reciting talbiyah� and in the other hadith: �It is if I am looking towards him when he descends in the valley reciting talbiyah�. [27]

And he may also recite along with it �La ilaha illallah� and talbiyah according to the saying of Ibn Mas'ud may Allah be pleased with him - �I went out the prophet of Allah and he did not leave off the talbiyah until he stoned
Jamrat-ul' Aqabah - except when he mixed it with reciting talbiyah? or �La ilaha illallah�. [28]

So when he reaches the
haram of
Mecca and sees the houses of Mecca he leaves off the talbiyah to concentrate on the following actions: [29]